Recollection Wisconsin Digitization Initiative: Content Partner Information

Calling all Wisconsin local history organizations!

Want to digitize a collection but need support scanning and creating metadata? We’re here to help! Recollection Wisconsin seeks new content partners to digitize local history collections starting in Fall 2024. Trained graduate students will complete the work and will receive a stipend from us. Your collection will be added to Recollection Wisconsin. It’s a win-win-win!

Content partners will:

  • identify and organize a photo or paper-based collection, 
  • complete a digitization project planning worksheet,
  • identify a staff person to serve as liaison and attend a virtual project launch meeting and digital projects training, 
  • have a scanner, computer and adequate workspace,
  • provide student staff with an orientation to their organization and collections, and general support during a student’s work shift, 
  • receive scanning and metadata workflows to support future work, and
  • receive a new external hard drive for your organization’s ongoing digital preservation work.

We’re interested in new collections that document lesser-known stories about Wisconsin history and the people who have inhabited our home state including Native, immigrant and LGBTQ communities; women’s stories; and, in general, materials that document aspects of Wisconsin business, industry, tourism, cities and architecture, natural landscape and resources or military veterans. 

Interested? Let’s chat. The application period for Fall 2024 is now closed but this experience will be available again in Spring and Summer 2025 semesters.


For additional program information, contact JOIN US!