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New in Recollection Wisconsin, Spring 2024

This quarter, we welcomed Monticello Public Library as Recollection Wisconsin’s newest content partner with their burgeoning collection of historical photos and documents. We also added new materials to Mount Mary University’s Digital Fashion Archives, including a retrospective on the development of the University’s Fashion program itself, which users can explore through images and documents…. Read More…

Recollection Wisconsin Digitization Initiative

We’re thrilled to announce a new initiative supporting Wisconsin local history organizations in their digitization work! The aptly-named Recollection Wisconsin Digitization Initiative is a collaborative endeavor which brings together Wisconsin organizations with local history collections (public libraries, museums, archives, and local history or community organizations) and Wisconsin information school graduate students to digitize and publicly… Read More…

Embarking on a New Chapter in Digital Cultural Heritage in Wisconsin

Since 2016, Recollection Wisconsin has proudly served as a hub for the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), connecting users with a wealth of digital cultural heritage items. This collaboration allowed materials from Recollection Wisconsin to be seamlessly integrated into the national DPLA platform, expanding the accessibility of Wisconsin-based content to researchers far and wide…. Read More…

Recollection Wisconsin Goes Fee-Free!

Recollection Wisconsin has made the significant decision to eliminate all onboarding fees, hosting fees, and harvesting fees for all incoming and current content partners. This move is a leap toward increased accessibility and showcases our commitment to fostering a collaborative and inclusive digital collections platform. The decision is also aligned with Recollection Wisconsin’s work in… Read More…

Recollection Wisconsin 2023 Year in Review

This last year was a year of anticipation, hard work, and celebration for Recollection Wisconsin. We wrapped up the last leg of a strenuous, multi-year legislative advocacy process for state funding, briefly celebrated that funding success, and then buckled down for the work ahead. We restarted the gears of the Recollection Wisconsin machinery and, as… Read More…

Recollection Wisconsin Seeks Two New Members for Steering Committee

Nominations are no longer being accepted for the 2024 term. Please look for the next opportunity to participate in the Recollection Wisconsin Steering Committee in November of 2024. The Recollection Wisconsin Steering Committee is seeking nominations to fill two vacant seats. The Committee helps shape the priorities and future directions of the Recollection Wisconsin statewide… Read More…

Updates to the Digital Readiness Toolkit

Recollection Wisconsin has enhanced and expanded its Digital Readiness Toolkit to incorporate guidance and best practices on digitizing and sharing audiovisual content. These enhancements, a result of valuable contributions from the Community Archiving Workshop, include a comprehensive digital readiness self-assessment tool for your organization, a framework for prioritizing A/V materials for digitization, and in-depth guidance… Read More…

Film Inspection and Digitization Kits Available to Borrow

Recollection Wisconsin, in partnership with the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research, can loan a Film Inspection Kit for examining 8mm or 16mm film and a Wolverine Film Scanner for reformatting 8mm and Super8 film. Funding for the kits was provided by a grant to the  Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) from the Institute… Read More…

State Funding Awarded to Recollection Wisconsin

Thanks to the hard work of our Governing Board, Steering Committee, and other Content Partners, Recollection Wisconsin has been awarded a dedicated funding line in the Department of Public Instruction’s 2023-2025 Wisconsin state budget. We are so grateful to everyone who took the time to participate in the advocacy process, from writing letters and meeting… Read More…

Emily Pfotenhauer Wins Society of American Archivists Spotlight Award

Former Recollection Wisconsin Program Manager Emily Pfotenhauer has been selected to receive the 2023 Society of American Archivists Spotlight Award. This award, given only once a year, recognizes the contributions of individuals who work for the good of the archives profession and of archival collections, and whose work would not typically receive public recognition. Emily’s… Read More…

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