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Wisconsin Decorative Arts Database

More than 1,000 examples of Wisconsin’s material heritage from public and private collections across the state, including furniture, ceramics, metalwork, quilts and needlework as well as beadwork, basketry, woodcarving and marquetry made in Wisconsin between 1820 and 1930.

Wisconsin Digital Archives

This growing collection of documents about the activities, functions and policies of Wisconsin State Government contains documents published by the Executive and Judicial branches, state government task forces, initiatives, boards, commissions, councils and special study groups. The Wisconsin Digital Archives is a collaborative effort managed by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction as part of the Wisconsin Document Depository Program.

Wisconsin Folksong Collection 1937-1946

Wisconsin Folksong Collection 1937-1946

Materials from two collections from Mills Music Library at UW-Madison: field recordings, notes and photographs made by UW-Madison faculty member Helene Stratman-Thomas as part of the Wisconsin Folk Music Recording Project during the summers of 1940, 1941 and 1946 and recordings collected by song catcher Sidney Robertson Cowell during the summer of 1937 for the Special Skills Division of the Resettlement Administration.

Wisconsin Historical Collections 1855-1915

A serial publication issued every two or three years between 1855 and 1915 by the Wisconsin Historical Society. Twenty volumes of pioneer memoirs, archival records, original journals, explorers’ narratives, interviews and other eyewitness accounts of Wisconsin’s past.

Wisconsin in the Civil War

To mark the 150th anniversary of the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865), the Wisconsin Historical Society created this digital collection containing dozens of diaries, regimental histories and book-length memoirs, thousands of soldiers’ letters, hundreds of newspaper articles and more than 1,000 photographs, maps and other images.

Wisconsin Labor Advocate Newspaper

The Wisconsin Labor Advocate was a weekly newspaper published in La Crosse in 1886-1887. La Crosse was a hotbed of Labor political party activity in the 1880s and the Labor Advocate was one of at least four La Crosse area Labor-related newspapers from that time. George Edwin Taylor, the newspaper’s editor and owner, was African-American, born in Arkansas in 1857.

Wisconsin Magazine of History Archives

More than 2,000 feature articles totaling over 35,000 pages, exactly as they originally appeared in the Wisconsin Magazine of History. Includes the entire archive of previous issues, back to 1917.