
Pamphlets, conference proceedings, reports, studies, sheet music, recipes, marriage records, military service records and other records.

Alan Williams Collection

This collection of four scrapbooks with photographs, postcards, documents, and booklets was donated to the Angie W. Cox Public Library by Alan Williams in July 2022. Alan Williams’ father, Payson (P. K.) Williams, was the cousin of Pardeeville Public Library’s founder Angie Williams Cox. He is the grandson of Charles Harvey (C. H.) Williams, who was the founder of the Pardeeville Times newspaper. His great-uncle, Robert Thompson, was the publisher of the Crank newspaper.

Americana Sheet Music

The Americana Sheet Music Collection database was developed to provide bibliographic access to the Americana Collection of sheet music, one of the special collections of the Mills Music Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Some records for selected compositions have associated images of the scanned sheet music. Over time additional images may be added to the collection.

Anne Bassett Kelley Collection

Anne Bassett Kelley (Beloit College class of 1907), known as Nan, became a missionary teacher in China. Her great niece donated an extensive collection of Kelley’s correspondence from China during 1919-1923 as well as letters from her adopted daughter in China to Kelley and other family members, dating from the 1940s through the 1990s. The digital collection currently includes Kelley’s 1919-1923 letters.

Barneveld Local History Collection

Barneveld Local History Collection

This collection spans more than a century of Barneveld’s history, from early settlement through the devastation of the 1984 tornado and the rebuilding effort. Content includes books, photographs, video, business and village records, and personal scrapbooks and memorabilia.

Beloit Relays

From the 1930s through the 1970s, Beloit College hosted track and field events for athletes from more than 50 colleges and universities. This digital collection contains images of cover pages from the official Beloit Relays program booklets as well as photographs of some of the Beloit athletes who took part in the events.

Brandon Times

A local newspaper from Brandon, Wisconsin, dating back to the 1800s with search results presented in original format/context.

Brown County War History Committee Records

After World War I ended in 1919, the Brown County War History Committee interviewed 1,721 local soldiers and their families about their wartime service. They collected a wealth of personal, family and military information, including hundreds of photographs and original letters. The collection is owned by the Neville Public Museum of Brown County and housed at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Area Research Center.

Brown Deer Local History

Materials documenting the history of the Village of Brown Deer including brochures, booklets, pamphlets, photographs, unpublished reports and full issues of the Brown Deer Historical Society Newsletter, published quarterly since 1973.

Cedarburg Public Library

This collection provides access to photos, records, and other archival materials related to the history of Cedarburg and Ozaukee County, 1850-2005, including, but not limited to local architecture, industry, schools, families, churches, and various cultural events.

Chippewa Valley History

Publications including Eau Claire city directories 1880-1923, Eau Claire high school yearbooks 1900-1923, Eau Claire area histories, Wisconsin county histories and various periodicals published in Eau Claire in the early 20th century.

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