260 images of Winnebago County barns captured by photographer Michael Cooney.
All types of photographic images, including photo prints, slides and negatives.
Barron, Chippewa, Dunn, Eau Claire, Pepin, St. Croix, and Rusk Counties – Local History Collection

Selections from the local history collections of fourteen west-central and northwestern Wisconsin public libraries, all members of the IFLS Library System. The digital collection contains texts (including community records, local history narratives and retrospectives, high school yearbooks and maps) and images of community sites, events and residents.
Belgian-American Research Collection

The Belgian-American Research Collection was established by the Cofrin Library, UW-Green Bay, to help preserve and make available original materials reflecting the character of the Belgian community in northeastern Wisconsin. An architectural survey was conducted to identify typical Belgian architecture including log, stone and brick houses and oral histories were recorded to document the Walloon language spoken in Brown, Door and Kewaunee Counties.
Beloit College Radio History
Photographs and documents depicting the evolution of Beloit College’s identity on the airwaves from 1907 to the present.
Beloit Relays
From the 1930s through the 1970s, Beloit College hosted track and field events for athletes from more than 50 colleges and universities. This digital collection contains images of cover pages from the official Beloit Relays program booklets as well as photographs of some of the Beloit athletes who took part in the events.
Big Streets in a Little City – Downtown Street Scenes in Kiel, 1860-1980

More than 600 photographs of the city of Kiel, Wisconsin from the mid-1800s to the late 20th century. These images depict commerce, recreation, cultural events and other day-to-day activities in the community.
Black Earth Public Library
A collaboration between the Black Earth Historical Society and the Black Earth Public Library to provide access to photographs and other materials about the village of Black Earth, Dane County, Wisconsin. Content includes a scrapbook of Black Earth High School graduating class photos 1885-1963 and portrait photographs of past village presidents.
Brittingham Family Lantern Slides

This collection consists of the personal and travel photographs of the Brittinghams, a prominent and influential Wisconsin family. Spanning the years 1897-1922, these images capture the private lives of a wealthy family at the turn of the century, and document their travels to 22 states and 32 countries.
Brown County War History Committee Records
After World War I ended in 1919, the Brown County War History Committee interviewed 1,721 local soldiers and their families about their wartime service. They collected a wealth of personal, family and military information, including hundreds of photographs and original letters. The collection is owned by the Neville Public Museum of Brown County and housed at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Area Research Center.
Brown Deer Local History
Materials documenting the history of the Village of Brown Deer including brochures, booklets, pamphlets, photographs, unpublished reports and full issues of the Brown Deer Historical Society Newsletter, published quarterly since 1973.