
All types of photographic images, including photo prints, slides and negatives.

Ach Ya! The Story of German Music in Wisconsin

“Ach Ya!: The Story of German Music in Wisconsin” presents images from the nineteenth through the late twentieth century that evoke the long-standing heritage and rich diversity of Wisconsin’s German musical traditions, especially in German-American communities in Calumet, Dodge, Marathon, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, and Sheboygan counties.

African American Catholics of the United States

African American Catholics of the United States contains over 200 images of African American clergy, religious, and laity, plus others in ministry to them, in parishes and schools, religious communities, and lay organizations since 1900. Archives staff selected the images from the records of the Black and Indian Mission Collection, the Catholic Negro-American Mission Board, and the National Black Sisters Conference (NBSC). The Black and Indian Mission Collection and the Catholic Negro-American Mission Board are fundraising organizations founded by the U.S. Catholic bishops in 1884 and 1907 respectively, now administered by the Black and Indian Mission Office and allied with the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions. The NBSC is an advocacy and support association of African-American religious sisters founded in 1968.

Alan Williams Collection

This collection of four scrapbooks with photographs, postcards, documents, and booklets was donated to the Angie W. Cox Public Library by Alan Williams in July 2022. Alan Williams’ father, Payson (P. K.) Williams, was the cousin of Pardeeville Public Library’s founder Angie Williams Cox. He is the grandson of Charles Harvey (C. H.) Williams, who was the founder of the Pardeeville Times newspaper. His great-uncle, Robert Thompson, was the publisher of the Crank newspaper.

Aldo Leopold Archives

Aldo Leopold

The Aldo Leopold Archives documents not only Leopold’s rise to prominence but the history of conservation and the emergence of the field of ecology from the early 1900s until his death in 1948. The collection includes more than 500 unpublished essays and reports as well as detailed diaries and journals of Leopold’s Forest Service activity, his travels, hunting and field experience, and observations and activities at his Sand County farm.

Antigo’s 107th Trench Mortar Battery Company in World War I

Photographs by William Wessa of Antigo documenting the 107th Trench Mortar Battery Company during World War I. The images include the company’s first drills in Antigo; training at Camp Douglas, Wisconsin and Camp McArthur, Texas; action in the Alsace region of France and the Argonne offensive; and their return to Antigo in 1919.

Appleton Memory Project

This growing selection of local history materials includes images of former Appleton mayors with descriptions of key events during their terms, the publications Appleton, Wis., Illustrated (1892) and Pioneers of Outagamie County (1895), city and telephone directories for the Appleton area from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and other items pertaining to city and town life, the library, schools and tourism.

Ashland Historical Society Museum

The Ashland Historical Society Museum’s digital collection is a sampling of photographic collections depicting historic buildings in Ashland, Wisconsin and the Chequamegon Bay ore docks.

Aviation History of Racine and Kenosha

Aviation History of Racine and Kenosha

Kenosha pilot and aviation history enthusiast John Sullivan donated his archive of over 400 photographs, newspaper clippings and aviator biographies to UW-Parkside in 2009. The digital collection includes aerial views of the Kenosha and Racine airports and portraits of pilots with their planes.

Barneveld Local History Collection

Barneveld Local History Collection

This collection spans more than a century of Barneveld’s history, from early settlement through the devastation of the 1984 tornado and the rebuilding effort. Content includes books, photographs, video, business and village records, and personal scrapbooks and memorabilia.

Belgian-American Research Collection

Belgian-American Research Collection

The Belgian-American Research Collection was established by the Cofrin Library, UW-Green Bay, to help preserve and make available original materials reflecting the character of the Belgian community in northeastern Wisconsin. An architectural survey was conducted to identify typical Belgian architecture including log, stone and brick houses and oral histories were recorded to document the Walloon language spoken in Brown, Door and Kewaunee Counties.

Beloit College Radio History

Photographs and documents depicting the evolution of Beloit College’s identity on the airwaves from 1907 to the present.

Beloit Relays

From the 1930s through the 1970s, Beloit College hosted track and field events for athletes from more than 50 colleges and universities. This digital collection contains images of cover pages from the official Beloit Relays program booklets as well as photographs of some of the Beloit athletes who took part in the events.

Black Earth Public Library

A collaboration between the Black Earth Historical Society and the Black Earth Public Library to provide access to photographs and other materials about the village of Black Earth, Dane County, Wisconsin. Content includes a scrapbook of Black Earth High School graduating class photos 1885-1963 and portrait photographs of past village presidents.

Brittingham Family Lantern Slides

Brittingham Family Lantern Slides

This collection consists of the personal and travel photographs of the Brittinghams, a prominent and influential Wisconsin family. Spanning the years 1897-1922, these images capture the private lives of a wealthy family at the turn of the century, and document their travels to 22 states and 32 countries.

Brown County War History Committee Records

After World War I ended in 1919, the Brown County War History Committee interviewed 1,721 local soldiers and their families about their wartime service. They collected a wealth of personal, family and military information, including hundreds of photographs and original letters. The collection is owned by the Neville Public Museum of Brown County and housed at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Area Research Center.

Brown Deer Local History

Materials documenting the history of the Village of Brown Deer including brochures, booklets, pamphlets, photographs, unpublished reports and full issues of the Brown Deer Historical Society Newsletter, published quarterly since 1973.

Bunny Berigan, Fox Lake’s Own

Bunny Berigan, Fox Lake’s Own

Bernard “Bunny” Berigan was one of the most prominent jazz trumpeters of all time. Born in Hilbert, Wisconsin in 1908, he moved to Fox Lake with his parents when he was only a few months old. This collection documents Berigan’s childhood and his career in music.

Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions

The Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions digital collection contains over 1,800 images of Native Americans and related Catholic churches, schools, clergy, and religious leaders from across the United States in the early 20th century. American Indian nations of Wisconsin represented in the collection include the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Forest County Potawatomi, Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, Oneida Nation, and Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

Burgess Photograph Collection

Francis Burgess was a photographer for the La Crosse Tribune newspaper from 1935 until his retirement in 1970. This collection includes thousands of black and white photographic negatives from Burgess’ tenure at the Tribune as well as the work of other Tribune photographers including Ed Huebner.

Carroll Photograph Collection

The Carroll Photograph Collection consists of photographs that document events, people, and places at Carroll College and Carroll University. Topic include alumni relations, athletics, choir, clubs, commencement, depertments, events, Greek life, Homecoming and other events, buildings, faculty, college presidents and trustees.

Cedarburg Public Library

This collection provides access to photos, records, and other archival materials related to the history of Cedarburg and Ozaukee County, 1850-2005, including, but not limited to local architecture, industry, schools, families, churches, and various cultural events.

CETA Arts Program Photographs

The exhibit of “The Spirit of Milwaukee” was a cooperative agreement between the Common Council’s Special Committee on Public Information and the students and faculty of the Milwaukee Center for Photography. The photographs were taken between February and May of 1976 in Milwaukee, documenting Milwaukee life during the 1976 Bicentennial. After the Bicentennial, the City of Milwaukee CETA Arts Program hired student photographers from the Milwaukee Center for Photography to take pictures and document Milwaukee. The Department of City Development would exhibit the photographs and other art created under the program.

Chamberlin Hall of Science Collection

In commemoration of the Chamberlin Hall of Science (1968-2008), the Beloit College Library compiled this digital collection, which combines 90 photographs and slides from the Beloit College Archives with 32 digital images captured by members of the Beloit College community.

Charles Nicholas Johnson Collection

Photographer and U.S. Army non-commissioned officer Charles Nicholas Johnson (1923-2005) was stationed in Tokyo from fall 1954 to September 1957. During this time he photographed color images that captured everyday life in Japan, urban scenes, landscapes, and representations of Japanese culture. The family of Charles Nicholas Johnson donated this collection of 260 slides to the UW-Parkside Archives in 2013.

Charles Sheldon Collection

Photographs depicting the community of Shorewood from the 1890s to the 1930s, taken or collected by amateur photographer Charles Sheldon.

Chilton Public Library

Chilton Public Library is the lively local library for the city of Chilton (population about 4,000) and the surrounding areas of Calumet County, Wisconsin. This local history digital collection features images and texts from the area’s past.

Clintonville Memory Project

Items pertaining to the history of Clintonville, Wisconsin including portraits of local residents photographed by J. Alva Carter in 1927, Waupaca County plat books and atlases, and photographs and a scrapbook detailing the history of Wisconsin Central Airlines and the Clintonville Municipal Airport from the 1930s through the 1970s.

Consolidated Papers Inc.

Photographs and books documenting the history of the Consolidated Water Power and Paper Company, later Consolidated Papers, Inc., including the Consolidated News employee magazine, published monthly between February 1926 and December 1931.

Cornfalfa Farms Collection

Images donated by the Swartz family, who operated a large progressive farm in New Berlin, Wisconsin. Many photographs were taken at Cornfalfa Farms by the Swartz family to document their best practices for raising alfalfa, apples and sheep as the farm rose to prominence in Wisconsin and beyond.

Cranberry Photo Collection

Images depicting the cranberry industry in central Wisconsin, digitized in collaboration with the Wetherby Cranberry Library.

Crandon Community Building Collection

More than 50 photographs of Crandon and its early residents at the beginning of the 20th century, originally presented as an exhibition at the Crandon Community Building in 1986. The Public Property Committee of the City Council of Crandon sponsored the exhibit in order to inspire an interest in Crandon’s past among its residents as well as engage tourists.

Cyril Colnik Archives

Drawings and blueprints created by master blacksmith Cyril Colnik, his Ornamental Iron Shop and the Colnik Manufacturing Company. Includes designs for architectural commissions in the Milwaukee area and beyond.

Dane County Library Service

A history of the Dane County Library Service, covering 50 years of service to the residents of Dane County, Wisconsin. Includes news clippings, photos of bookmobiles and oral history interviews with bookmobile drivers and other staff.

Daniel Klapproth World War II Photographs and Letters

Daniel Klapproth was a soldier and a Somers, Wisconsin native who was stationed in Panama during the Second World War. This collection consists of photographs taken by Daniel during his military service, as well as letters written by Daniel to his mother in Wisconsin.

David A. Yates Photograph Collection

During WWII, the US Army’s Fort McCoy, in Monroe County, Wisconsin, served as a location to house German prisoners of war (POWs). David Yates was stationed at Fort McCoy during this time and managed to take photographs that now give insight into daily life for soldiers and POWs alike. This collection consists of over 100 black and white photographs that capture day-to-day activities and military personnel during WWII at a German POW camp located inside the United States.

Desi Wisconsin

Whether it was segregation in the 1950s or the cultural and political tumult of the 1960s and 1970s, South Asian immigrants to Wisconsin confronted a world fundamentally alien to that they had left behind. Neither black nor white, these individuals managed to raise families and often succeeded in their careers. From a few dozen students, professionals, and businessmen and their families who settled in Wisconsin, the presence of South Asian immigrants grew exponentially as they became tightly integrated into the fabric of their communities. The journey to develop a distinct identity as South Asian Americans in Wisconsin over the course of decades is highlighted in this collection of oral histories from some of the first South Asian immigrants to Wisconsin.

Eagle River Historical Society

The Eagle River Historical Society / Craig Moore Research Library collection consists of several thousand images of the Eagle River area from approx.1880-2000. A considerable number of these images come from photographs taken by residents, tourists, and local photography companies over the course of the past two centuries. The collection features images documenting northern Wisconsin’s industry, lifestyles, demographics, tourism, resorts, supper clubs, recreations, urban centers, ecology, and natural beauty.

Eau Claire Area Historical Photographs

The Chippewa Valley Museum partnered with L. E. Phillips Memorial Library to provide access to its significant collection of photographs depicting life in Eau Claire and the surrounding area. Topics include logging, farming, sports, schools, retail stores, and parks.

Ecology and Natural Resources Collection

Ecology and Natural Resources Collection

Research in ecology and natural resources conducted by University of Wisconsin faculty and staff and unique or valuable resources in these fields held by the University of Wisconsin Libraries. Sub-collections include unpublished works from the UW-Madison Arboretum, Crandon Mine and Kennecott Flambeau Mine reports, the Geology of Wisconsin Survey of 1873-1883, USGS topographic maps, technical bulletins from the Wisconsin DNR, slides and recordings of lectures by plant ecologist Virginia M. Kline and Wisconsin Bordner Survey maps.

Edgewood College History

Higher learning on the site that is now Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin began as early as 1881 when the Sinsinawa Dominicans established a boarding school for girls and later a junior college. Many images in this collection were taken from Phoenix from the Fire: A History of Edgewood College by Mary Paynter OP, published as part of the college’s 75th jubilee celebration in 2002.

Elcho CCC Camp Collection

Civilian Conservation Corps Camp 657 was established in Elcho, Langlade County, Wisconsin in 1933. The digital collection includes photos of barracks and work activities taken by CCC recruits Edward Drab, Alois Fisher and Warren Schabell as well as ephemera collected by recruit Ken Eliot, including newsletters published by the camp, menus, badges and a federally-published handbook for CCC enrollees.

Eldon Murray Papers

Eldon Murray was a prominent activist in the Milwaukee LGBT community. In addition to his work with the Gay Peoples Union (GPU) and the Milwaukee AIDS Project, Murray was the founder of SAGE/Milwaukee, the first organization in Wisconsin dedicated to serving the needs of older gay, lesbian, and bisexual people through community building and counseling services. The digital collection includes selections from the Eldon Murray Papers, including an extensive series of newspaper clippings from the 1940s to the 1970s, photographs, fiction and nonfiction writings, activist organization records, and a handful of publications.

Evansville, Wisconsin Collection

Evansville, Wisconsin Collection

The digital collection of materials from the Eager Free Public Library History Room includes Rock County, Wisconsin plat books from 1891, 1904, and 1917. Evansville was settled in 1839 and became an important stop on the Chicago & Northwestern Railway system. The digital collection includes histories and memories that give accounts of settlement and Evansville’s growth and prosperity. City Directories and photo collections of portraits, homes, and businesses are also included in the project.

Exploring Cultural History Online (ECHO)

The Exploring Cultural History Online (ECHO) Project developed by Winding Rivers Library System consists of photographs and postcards documenting the history and culture of western Wisconsin, specifically Buffalo, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Monroe, Trempealeau and Vernon counties.

Freedom Flotilla Photograph Collection

The Freedom Flotilla, also known as the Mariel Boatlift, occurred in 1980 after President Carter opened the doors to the United States for hundreds of thousands of Cuban refugees, of which nearly 15,000 would eventually arrive at the resettlement camp at Fort McCoy in western Wisconsin. This collection contains photographs taken by journalists reporting on the “Cuban Odyssey,” most of whom worked for the La Crosse Tribune, bringing together nearly 250 images of individuals and events directly involved with the Freedom Flotilla.

Geology Lantern Slides

In early 2016, these lantern slides were donated to the Beloit College Archives by the Department of Geology. Little is known about their date of production or the company that created them. Previously used in classroom teaching, they depict a variety of geological features across the globe.

Gesu Parish Grade School

This collection of photos, directories, programs, alumni newsletters, and objects documents the Gesu School,  founded in 1895 after the combining of St. Gall and Holy Name parishes. After sixty-nine years of continuous educational service, Gesu School held its last graduation exercises on June 7, 1968.  

Grant County Historical Society

Photographs documenting life in Grant County, Wisconsin since the mid-19th century, including portraits of early settlers and images of the Joe Greer Rodeo of the 1940s. Communities represented include Beetown, Boscobel, Cassville, Cuba City, Fennimore, Hazel Green, Lancaster and Platteville.

Great Lakes Maritime History Project

An overview of Wisconsin’s maritime history. Includes records on individual ships as well as photographs, postcards and pamphlets related to commerce and tourism on Lake Michigan and Lake Superior.

Greendale Historical Society

The Greendale Historical Society partnered with the Greendale School District to digitize photos and other resources documenting local residents’ school experiences. Currently available online are 1970s-era photographs from College Park Elementary School.

Herbert Gaytes Collection

Herbert Gaytes, Beloit College class of 1893, was a gifted amateur photographer who photographed campus activities and local scenes. This collection also includes Gaytes’ photographs of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.

Historic Fort Atkinson

Historic Fort Atkinson

This digital collection contains two components: images of citizens and businesses along Main Street in the city of Fort Atkinson from the 1880s through the 1970s, and manuscripts, notes, letters, oral histories and photographs from or about poet Lorine Niedecker, who spent most of her life in the Fort Atkinson area.

History of the Sciences at Beloit College

This collection features 92 photographs from the Beloit College Archives documenting a variety of scientific disciplines spanning the lifetime of the college, including biology, geology and chemistry.

History of UW-Green Bay

History of UW-Green Bay

Images documenting the selection of the campus site at Green Bay, construction of all campus buildings, student life, academic activities, political activities, visitors of note, commencement ceremonies and other campus traditions.

History of UW-La Crosse

History of UW-La Crosse

The History of UW-La Crosse Collection includes resources that document the history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes published material as well as archival materials and may eventually include additional books, manuscripts, sound recordings, photographs, maps and other resources deemed important to the study of our state’s university system and its campuses.

History of UW-Oshkosh

History of UW-Oshkosh

The History of UW-Oshkosh Collection includes photographs and books documenting the history of UW-Oshkosh including athletic events and campus life.

History of UW-Parkside

History of UW-Parkside

The History of UW-Parkside Collection includes resources that document the history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes photographs documenting events and people at UW-Parkside including athletics, theatrical productions, festivals and daily life.

History of UW-Parkside Image Collection

The UW-Parkside Photos digital collection includes over 1200 images documenting life on Parkside’s campus and includes photos from its predecessor institutions, UW-Racine and UW-Kenosha. This collection represents a small portion of photographs available for viewing in the archive.

History of UW-Platteville

History of UW-Platteville

The History of UW-Platteville Collection includes resources that document the history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes images and publications documenting the histories of the Platteville Academy, the State Teachers College, the Wisconsin Mining School and the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.

History of UW-River Falls

History of UW-River Falls

The History of UW-River Falls Collection includes resources that document the history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes photographs documenting the history of UW-River Falls and River Falls Normal School, with athletics and campus life.

History of UW-Stevens Point

History of UW-Stevens Point

The History of UW-Stevens Point Collection includes resources that document the history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes photographs and books documenting the history of UW-Stevens Point including athletics, aerial views of campus, classrooms and daily life.

History of UW-Stout

History of UW-Stout

The History of UW-Stout Collection includes materials that represent the students, faculty, campus, events, and classroom work on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Stout and its predecessors. This collection is representative of the institution’s long-standing polytechnic educational tradition. The collection contains more than 500 photographs illustrating the history of manual training, industrial arts, and domestic science at UW-Stout in Menomonie, Wisconsin, from its founding as Stout Manual Training School in 1891 into the 1990s.

History of UW-Superior

History of UW-Superior

The History of UW-Superior Collection includes images that represent a cross-section of this campus’s history and evolution.  They document student life, academic activities, athletics, the campus, and campus traditions.

History of UW-Whitewater

History of UW-Whitewater

The History of UW-Whitewater Collection includes resources that document the history and evolution of this campus. The collection includes images of buildings on the UW-Whitewater campus as well as three published histories: Campus Cornerstones (1997), A History of Wisconsin State University Whitewater (1967) and Historical sketches of the first quarter-century of the State Normal School at Whitewater, Wisconsin (1893).

History of Wisconsin Rapids Libraries

McMillan Memorial Library moved to its current location in 1970, but the Library pre-dates the city’s name change from Grand Rapids to Wisconsin Rapids (1920) and the merging of Centralia and Grand Rapids (1900). This collection features photographs and publications documenting the history of libraries in the city, including the J.D. Witter Traveling Libraries, collections of books that were moved to 49 stations in Wood County between 1896 and 1947.

Home Economics to Human Ecology – A Centennial History at the UW

Home Economics to Human Ecology – A Centennial History at the UW

Home Economics to Human Ecology: A Centennial History at the University of Wisconsin – Madison is a digital collection of photographs and ephemera illustrating aspects of the past 100 years at the School of Human Ecology at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, including examples of student activities involving life in the Home Management House, work in laboratories, and the functions of student organizations such as Phi Upsilon Nu, Omicron Nu, and the Euthenics Club; portraits of administrators and past faculty; scenes of classrooms and buildings; illustrations of faculty and students working together; and illustrations of extension projects.

Horace Seaman Wisconsin Infantry Collection

Photographs from Colonel Horace M. Seaman’s service with the Wisconsin National Guard. The majority of the images come from his service with the 4th Wisconsin Infantry in the Spanish-American War of 1898.

Images of Lake Geneva

Images of Lake Geneva

Photographs and postcards depicting Lake Geneva, Wisconsin in its heyday as a summer retreat for wealthy Chicagoans. This collection also includes plat books and atlases spanning 1873-1962.

Irene Bishop Goggans Collection

The Irene Bishop Goggans collection contains materials pertaining to the African American community in Milwaukee and across the country. Materials collected by Irene Goggans (1926-2017) are mostly from the 1950s to the early 2010s and include newspaper clippings, photographs, event programs, and more.

Jane Morgan Memorial Library

In 2018, the Jane Morgan Memorial Library and the Cambria-Friesland Historical Society began to digitize materials from their archives that are important to the history of Cambria and nearby communities in Columbia County, Wisconsin. The digital collection includes photographs, postcards and pamphlets such as a booklet published for the 1944 Cambria centennial and the “Cambria Victory Homecoming” after World War II.

Janesville’s Past

Janesville’s Past

A range of materials documenting the history of Janesville, Wisconsin including photographs and postcards from the 1840s through the 1980s and directories for the city of Janesville and Rock County, 1857-1931. Also includes walking guides to historic districts published in the 1990s and 2000s.

Jay “Ding” Darling Collection

Jay Norwood Darling was a Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist who attended Beloit College from 1895-1900, where he served as art director for the college yearbook. The digital collection features illustrations Darling created for the 1899 yearbook as well as a selection of Darling’s letters and other writings.

Kenosha and Racine Historic Photos

This collection of glass plate negatives captures the daily life of people in the Midwest between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Many of the subjects in this collection are from the Baldwin family who were prominent in the coal industry. The Baldwin Coal Company, founded by George Smith Baldwin (1835-1923), was the first of its industry in Kenosha. His son Harry Merrill Baldwin (1862-1950), the owner of the Baldwin house, was the father to Drew and Lawrence Baldwin, whose photos show up often in this collection. In addition to human subjects, prominently featured in this collection are photos of marine vessels ranging from schooners, to warships, to yachts.

Kenosha County Digital Archive

These collections, from Community Library (Salem), Kenosha Public Library, and Kenosha County Libray System, feature photographs, documents, genealogy records, letters, and maps from Kenosha County cities, towns, and schools.

Kenosha County History – Images and Texts, 1830s-1940s

Kenosha County History – Images and Texts, 1830s-1940s

The C.E. Dewey Lantern Slide Collection contains images of Kenosha County from the 1830s to the early 1940s. The Louis M. Thiers Glass Negative Collection contains images from the 1880s into the 1910s. The digital collection also includes several books documenting the history of Racine and Kenosha counties.

Kenosha’s Lost Industries – Photographs and Corporate Materials, 1850s-1990s

Kenosha’s Lost Industries – Photographs and Corporate Materials, 1850s-1990s

Industrial scenes, plants, building exteriors and interiors, portraits of corporate owners and boards, advertising and literature about product lines, and images of company activities and events, workers and their families capture the story of the city of Kenosha as a major manufacturing center. Manufacturers represented in the collection include N. R. Allen Sons, American Brass, Bain Wagon Company, Nash Motors, America Motors, MacWhyte, Pirsch, and Simmons.

Kewaskum Photo Archive

The photos in this collection form part of a large digital archive of over 300 pictures covering Kewaskum history from the 1890s to the 1970s. The Kewaskum photo archive is a project of the Kewaskum Public Library and the Kewaskum Historical Society.

Kewaunee Memory Project

This collection from the Kewaunee Public Library includes photographs of ships built at the Kewaunee Shipping and Engineering Company (now Kewaunee Fabrications) during the World War II era, from 1941-1946. The photographs are from three albums stored at the Kewaunee Public Library in Kewaunee, Wisconsin.

Korean War Veterans of Mount Horeb

Korean War Veterans of Mount Horeb

This collection contains oral histories, photographs, documents and color slides from six Mount Horeb residents who served in the Korean War.

Krohnographs – Photographs by Don Krohn

Krohnographs are images by Don Krohn, Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune photographer from 1947-1953. These photographs provide an unusually complete and active look at a paper mill town reaching its prime.

La Crosse Plow Company Collection

The La Crosse Plow Company Collection contains a variety of visual materials including repair guides, photographs, 3-dimensional objects, letters, and other similar items. The collection’s materials span the various phases of the La Crosse Plow Company including names such as Sta-Rite, Happy Farmer Tractor Company, and the La Crosse Tractor Company. The bulk of this collection was scanned from materials owned by Randy Reysen, and the other items featured are part of the Murphy Library Special Collections. In total, there are over 100 items included in this collection with the prospect of adding more in the future.

Lakeshore Technical College

This archive collection from Lakeshore Technical College compiles yearbooks, photographs, and documents showing the college’s history from the early 20th century into the 21st century. Vocational education in Sheboygan County and Manitowoc County began in the 1910s with city schools in Sheboygan, Manitowoc, and Two Rivers. They were consolidated in the late 1960s to create Lakeshore Technical Institute. A comprehensive technical school was built in the early 1970s in Cleveland, WI. The name was changed from Lakeshore Technical Institute to Lakeshore Technical College in 1988. The material presented in this archive collection documents and expounds upon this history as Lakeshore Technical College continues to innovate and evolve.

Langlade County Historical Society Photos

Several towns and villages in Langlade County thrived during the heyday of logging and the timber industry but have declined in recent years. A few have virtually become ghost towns while some still exist. Langlade County, in more recent years, has marketed itself as the “Gateway to the Northwoods” and, more recently, the “The County of Trails.” This collection shows many resorts and recreational venues in Langlade County and other Northwoods destinations.

Langlade County Logging Photographs

The logging photographs in the collection of the Langlade County Historical Society document work crews, logging camps, sawmills and other aspects of Wisconsin’s logging industry from the 19th century to the 1990s. Some photographs were taken by Arthur J. Kingsbury for his picture postcard business, but many are by anonymous photographers.

Langlade County Railroad Photographs

The railroad photographs in the collection of the Langlade County Historical Society depict depots, rail yards, rail crews, locomotives and train wrecks in the Antigo area from the late 19th century to the 1990s. Some photographs were taken by Arthur J. Kingsbury for his picture post card business, but many are by anonymous photographers.

Lawrence Oliver, Photographer

Scenes of life in and around Vesper, Wisconsin in the late 1940s and early 1950s captured by local photojournalist Lawrence Oliver.

Lester Public Library of Arpin

The Lester Public Library of Arpin archive, preservation, and digitization project is gathering and preserving area history through video recordings of residents’ personal stories and digitization of physical materials, such as photographs and documents.

Libraries and Schools in Marathon and Lincoln Counties

This collection documents schools and libraries in the central Wisconsin counties of Lincoln and Marathon. A project of the Central Wisconsin Digitization Project, a consortium of libraries, archives, museums and historical societies in Lincoln and Marathon counties. Part of the State of Wisconsin Collection, University of Wisconsin Digital Collections.

Local Centers/Global Sounds

The Mills Music Library and the Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures, along with many partners at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, present a growing collection of unique, historic, regional and endangered sound recordings with related documentation. These include recordings produced for immigrant, ethnic and indigenous audiences by American companies in the first half of the 20th century as well as more than 700 hours of original field and home recordings from the 1950s through the 1990s featuring the Upper Midwest’s culturally diverse traditional musicians.

Lucille B. Chapman Collection on the Menominee

Photographs and postcards of the Menominee Indian Reservation in Wisconsin and of Shawano, Wisconsin, including landmarks such as Smokey Falls, Wolf River Dells, Rainbow Falls and Spirit Rock, 1914-1975. Also contained in this collection are four programs from pageants written, produced and performed by members of the Menominee Nation from 1955-1957.

Madison Living History Project

This growing collection of oral history interviews and images gathered from community members offers a snapshot of Madison neighborhoods, places, people and events. Featured neighborhoods include Greenbush and South Madison.

Madison Mozart Club Collection

The Madison Mozart Club was an all-white male amateur singing group formed in 1901 and disbanded in 1958. During that time, the group gave over 200 concerts throughout southern Wisconsin. They sang a broad range of music ranging from traditional choral pieces to negro spirituals, to popular music, and more. The Club was founded by John Simpson, a Norwegian immigrant, and Elias Bredin, a University of Wisconsin-Madison music professor. As a significant part of the Madison music scene during the 20th century, the Club consisted of several prominent Madisonians, including Edward A. Birge (President of UW-Madison: 1900-1903 and 1918-1925), Glen D. Roberts (law partner of Robert “Fighting Bob” LaFollette), and Frank A. Maxwell (Madison’s city treasurer).

Madison Trust for Historic Preservation Archives

This collection includes materials from the Madison Trust for Historic Preservation’s archives. For more information about this organization and its work to celebrate and advocate for the preservation of historic places in the Madison, Wisconsin area, visit their website.

Manitowoc Local History Collection

Manitowoc Local History Collection

Photographs and postcards by professional photographer Herman C. Benke from the 1890s and 1900s and images by amateur photographer Frances M. Kadow from the 1920s through the 1940s. Also includes historical texts concerning Manitowoc County, plat books and plat maps, and oral history interviews recorded with area residents in the 1970s.

March on Milwaukee Civil Rights History Project

Primary sources from the UW-Milwaukee Libraries and the Wisconsin Historical Society that provide a window onto Milwaukee’s civil rights history in the 1960s. The efforts of civil rights activists and their opponents are documented in photographs, unedited news film footage, text documents and oral history interviews.

Marquette University – In the Spotlight

This collection presents unique materials from the Raynor Memorial Libraries’ Department of Special Collections and University Archives. In the Spotlight highlights materials that are relevant to current events, historical anniversaries, or that are central to Marquette University’s rich heritage.

Marquette University History Online

More than 11,000 photographs illustrating the history of the University and digitized as part of the University Archives’ ongoing scan-on-demand program.

Marquette University Intercollegiate Athletic Hall of Fame

This collection illustrates the accomplishments of Marquette University’s most elite athletes and coaches, all enshrined in the M Club Athletic Hall of Fame. The bulk of this collection presents photographs, negatives, and color transparencies. Select paintings, sketches, plaques, and textual materials have also been digitized.

Marshall Community Library

Photos of headstones from cemeteries in the community of Marshall, Dane County, Wisconsin and surrounding townships. The documented cemeteries are Deansville, Medina, North York, Oak Lawn, St. Mary’s, York Center and York Medina.

McFarland Gold Star Mothers

McFarland residents Mrs. Ole (Mary Lyster) Nelson and Mrs. Theodore Edwards were among the Gold Star Mothers who made a U.S. government-sponsored pilgrimage to France in 1930. Both Nelson and Edwards lost sons during World War I. This collection includes a diary, scrapbooks, letters, photographs and ephemera from the voyage as well as letters and photos from Helmer Nelson and Alvin Edwards’ World War I service.

Mead Public Library

The collection, which is an invaluable resource for those studying local genealogy and history, includes photographs, scrapbooks, pamphlets, newsletters, programs, yearbooks, catalogs and memorabilia relating to the City of Sheboygan and Sheboygan County from the 1840s through 2016. Subjects covered include buildings, businesses, farms, organizations, churches, and individuals.

Medical College of Wisconsin History Collection

Commencement announcements from the Marquette University School of Medicine in the 1910s, photographs of Milwaukee County General Hospital and Milwaukee Children’s Hospital, and the publication An Anchor for the Future: A History of the Medical College of Wisconsin (1991).

Menasha Local History Collection

Menasha Local History Collection

Texts highlighting the early history of the city of Menasha, Wisconsin, including the Menasha City Charter of 1891 and the first Menasha High School yearbook of 1916 as well as photographs depicting the people and places within the community from approximately 1880 to 1950.

Menominee Collection on the Termination and Restoration Era, 1961-1973

In 1954, the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin was terminated under federal policy that stripped them of their status as a recognized federal tribe. The 1973 Restoration Act allowed the Menominee Indian Tribe to restore their federally-recognized tribal status. The materials in this digital collection tell a personal and national story of the Menominee struggle for sovereignty during the Termination period.

Menominee Veterans Photographs

Portraits of veterans, including enrolled members of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin as well as local residents in Keshena, Shawano and the surrounding area, who served in World War II, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mildred Hinrichs Photograph Collection

This collection of photographs of Lake Redstone and Reedsburg was taken by Mildred Hinrichs. Lake Redstone Beginnings contains snapshots of the building of Lake Redstone. Reedsburg Volume 1 includes photographs of Reedsburg taken from 1993-1996. Reedsburg Volume 2 includes photographs of Reedsburg taken from 2000 to 2006.

Milton Public Library, Wisconsin

This collection contains history and photographs of the Milton Public Library and Milton College (1844-1982). The Milton Public Library currently occupies the building that was the former Milton College Shaw Memorial Library.

Milwaukee Area Technical College

Photographs from the Milwaukee Area Technical College archives illustrate the range of vocational instruction offered at MATC since its founding in 1912, including nursing, cosmetology, metalworking, mechanics, accounting and electronics.

Milwaukee County Historical Society

The Milwaukee County Historical Society (MCHS)’s photograph collection is one of its key archival collections, alongside county records, manuscript collections, maps, and a small non-circulating library of books. MCHS’s photograph collection documents the history of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County and comprises photographic prints, slides, and negatives. The bulk of the photograph collection documents the 1890s through the 1980s, although older and more recent materials are also represented. The collection is divided into multiple portions, including those corresponding to individual photographers, subjects, and streets in Milwaukee County.

Milwaukee Historic Photos

Selections from the Milwaukee Public Library’s Historic Photo Collection. The full collection includes over 50,000 photographs of Milwaukee dating from the late 19th century to the present.

Milwaukee Leaders

The Milwaukee Leaders Collection began in 1989 as a photo exhibit at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Milwaukee Public Library Neighborhood Library titled “Black Role Models in Milwaukee.” The honorees were selected by the community as exemplifying leading citizens for their own generation and those to follow.

Milwaukee Mayors

The Milwaukee Mayors digital collection is an adaptation of a volume of images and information collected by Library staff to form the Biographical Sketches of the Mayors of the City of Milwaukee. Created more than 40 years ago, it has been updated with images of recent mayors.

Milwaukee Neighborhoods – Photos and Maps 1885-1992

Images of Milwaukee neighborhoods from the Far Northwest Side to the Far South Side, providing a visual documentation of the development of the city of Milwaukee from the mid-1880s to the early 1990s. The image collection is accompanied by 12 maps of Milwaukee from the holdings of the American Geographical Society Library.

Milwaukee Polonia: The Roman Kwasniewski Photographs

More than 30,000 photographs by Roman Kwasniewski, who worked as a studio photographer in the Polish-American community on Milwaukee’s south side from 1907-1947, documenting social events such as First Communions, Confirmations, graduations, weddings, and anniversaries as well as day-to-day life in the neighborhood. Together, these photographs offer a portrait of Milwaukee’s second largest ethnic group in the first half of the 20th century.

Milwaukee Repertory Theater Photographic History

A visual chronicle of the artistic productions of Milwaukee Repertory Theater in the years 1977-1994. The collection presents 1,800 images documenting 195 performances during these 17 seasons.

Milwaukee Waterways

This collection illustrates the role Lake Michigan and Milwaukee’s rivers have played in the history of Milwaukee. Photographs of the harbor and ships from around the world show the variety of materials that passed through the Port over time. Other images illustrate the role the rivers played in the commercial development of the city.

Mineral Point 1971 Slide Collection

A photographic study of buildings in Mineral Point, conducted by Phil Lewis and students in his Landscape Architecture course at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1971.

Mineral Point Library Archives

Images of early vernacular buildings in Mineral Point, including stone and brick residences dating to the early settlement period of the 1830s-1850s.

Monticello Public Library

The Monticello Public Library has partnered with the Attica Historical Society to preserve old local documents for our community.

Mount Horeb Area History

A variety of resources depicting the early 20th century in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin including church histories, family memoirs, books about the historic Norway Building, and information about Mount Horeb’s production of Song of Norway. Centennial books from the Mount Horeb Area Historical Society, Perry Historical Center, and Springdale Township are also included.

Mount Mary University Digital Fashion Archive

The Digital Fashion Archive is intended as an educational and research resource that will allow users to study fashion as it evolved in the classroom, on the runway, and in the world at large. Created by professionally photographing garments and accessories in the Fashion Archive, the Digital Fashion Archive provides users with 360° views and the ability to zoom in to examine items in detail.

MPL’s Own Archives

MPL’s Own Archives contains the history of the Milwaukee Public Library system. Encompassing written records, photographs, and film the collection offers a look back at how the library has served the community of Milwaukee since its founding. This online portion of the collection contains an interview with Toni Morrison, a handful of PSAs, informational videos, and a partial episode of “Library Playhouse”, a library created TV program.

Neenah Public Library Local History Collection

Neenah Public Library Local History Collection

This collection presents the history of Neenah, Wisconsin from the 1850s to the 1950s. Includes local history texts, Neenah and Menasha city directories 1920-1939, a 1928 plat map of Winnebago County, and more than 400 photographs.

New Glarus and Green County Local History

New Glarus and Green County Local History

This collection focuses on the first 100 years of New Glarus’s history, including narratives of the settlement and early history of the village, family records from the first church in New Glarus, tax rolls of the Town of New Glarus, maps and plat books of Green County, the first yearbook of the New Glarus High School, and photographs of individuals and families, school groups, community organizations, events, street scenes, businesses, and agriculture.

Northeast Wisconsin Technical College

The archives of Northeast Wisconsin Technical College illustrate how vocational education began in the city schools of Green Bay and Marinette in 1912 and eventually expanded to include all Northeast Wisconsin and beyond. This collection was digitized and shared as NWTC prepared to celebrate 110 years of education.

Northernaire Resort Collection

The digital collections from the Three Lakes Historical Society document culture and social life in Northwoods Wisconsin in the 20th century. The Northernaire Resort Collection features photographs, postcards and newsletters related to the history of the Northernaire Resort, founded by Carl Marty, Jr. in 1947.

Oconto Falls Memory Project

Postcards and photographs depicting scenes from Oconto Falls, Wisconsin and the surrounding area, including images of Stiles Hydro Dam on the Oconto River, aerial views of Oconto Falls, and depictions of early 20th century local events by amateur photographer William Temple.

Oscar Grady Public Library

This photo collection captures the Saukville community throughout the 1900s and early 2000s.  Images were collected by brothers Jim and John Peterson and donated to Oscar Grady Public Library for the purpose of digital preservation and public access.

Oshkosh Businesses

Photographs, newspaper articles, postcards, pamphlets and catalogs of businesses that once flourished in Oshkosh, including Deltox Rug Co., Oshkosh Trunk Co., and Stein’s clothing store.

Paramount Records Discography

This collection is a discographical database with information and label scans of the Paramount 78rpm recordings held by the Mills Music Library. Titles, performer names, release dates and numbers, matrix numbers, and other details are all keyword searchable. Information is being added on an on-going basis. Broadway, Famous, and Puritan recordings are included, as they were also produced by the New York Recording Laboratories (NYRL) of Port Washington, Wisconsin.

Past and Present

A pictorial and descriptive history, from 1870 through 1970, of some of Wisconsin’s Independent colleges and universities, including Alverno, Edgewood, Lakeland, Mount Mary, Ripon, Silver Lake, and Viterbo.

Pearsons Hall Collection

Pearsons Hall was commissioned and built in the late 19th century to serve as Beloit College’s science hall. To oversee its construction, College officials sought renowned architect and urban planner Daniel Hudson Burnham. This collection contains over 70 letters, postcards and images documenting the early life of the building.

Picturing Golda Meir

This collection of images documents the life of Golda Meir from her childhood in Pinsk, Russia, through her school years in Milwaukee, her pioneer years in Palestine in the 1920s, to the peak of her political career as Prime Minister of Israel (1969-1974).

Pioneer Churches

Oshkosh Public Library partnered with Wisconsin photographer Michael Cooney to create this collection, which documents early church buildings still standing in Winnebago, Fond du Lac, Marquette, Calumet, and Waushara counties.

Plymouth Public Library

The Plymouth Public Library’s digitization project is a growing selection of materials collected since the library was founded in 1871. Initially, this digital collection will include access to photographs and letters sent or received from the library. Check back with us periodically, as we will continue to add materials.

Polka Music/Polka Culture

Polka Music/Polka Culture

Contemporary and historic images and selected caption information representing the history and significance of polka music in Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest. Content was compiled for the “Polka Music/Polka Culture” photo-text exhibit that toured Wisconsin in 1991.

Portage Historic Homes

Turn-of-the-century photographs of historic Portage residences from the collection of the Portage Public Library.

Public Enemies – Tinseltown Comes to Oshkosh

In April 2008, downtown Oshkosh, Wisconsin was transformed into a movie set for the film Public Enemies. This collection features photographs submitted by the residents of Oshkosh who experienced Tinseltown in their hometown.

R. W. Troxel Glass Plate Negative Collection

Roley William Troxel was born in 1883 in Richland County, Wisconsin and died in 1967 in Prairie du Chien. The photographs were taken mostly around Eastman, Wisconsin and other areas surrounding Prairie du Chien, likely between 1910 and 1920. Images include posed portraits, sports teams, various buildings and other landscape and street views.

Railroads of Lincoln and Marathon Counties

Photographs, maps and documents relating to the railroads of Lincoln and Marathon Counties assembled by the Central Wisconsin Digitization Project, a consortium of libraries, archives, museums and historical societies in Lincoln and Marathon counties.

Ralph Metcalfe – The Olympic Years 1932-1936

Photographs, newspaper clippings, and other printed materials documenting sprinter Ralph Metcalfe between 1932-1936, when the Marquette undergraduate was known as “The World’s Fastest Human.”

Ray Metzker and Bob Miller Photography Collection

This collection includes photographs taken by students Ray Metzker and Bob Miller in the late 1940s and early 1950s for the Beloit College News Service. Metzker went on to become a professional photographer of considerable reknown. These photographs document a wide range of student activities, with a heavy focus on athletics, homecoming parades, and other events.

Recollection Wisconsin Shared Collection

Wisconsin’s story is still being written, folding in the customs and traditions of everyone who calls this place home. You’re invited to help build a shared history of our state by contributing your photos, documents and audio files to the Recollection Wisconsin Shared Collection.

Reedsburg Historic Survey Collection

This collection contains photos and surveys of architecturally and historically significant buildings in the city of Reedsburg which were compiled from 1983-1984.

Reedsburg Military Service: Company A Scrapbooks and Photographs

This collection includes two scrapbooks and miscellaneous photographs donated to the Reedsburg Public Library by Company A in 1978.  Photographs, postcards and newspaper articles include activities of Company A, 1st Wisconsin Infantry (formerly Company B, 10th Separate Battalion), and Company A, 128th Infantry, 32nd Division.

Reedsburg Old Settlers Photograph Collection

This collection of photographs, collected by the Reedsburg Old Settlers Association, is primarily made up of portraits, along with some places and events. The Association was active from 1876-2022.

Remember When

Remember When… was a popular feature in the Milwaukee Journal from 1963 through 1994. Published twice-weekly until 1981 and weekly after that, the feature was prepared by Milwaukee Public Library staff to highlight Milwaukee’s rich and colorful past as preserved in the Historic Photo Collection of the library.

Richard Bong Photograph Collection

Richard Bong, from the small town of Poplar, Wisconsin, became a flying cadet in the US Army Air Corps, in time for America’s entry into World War II. Flying in a P-38 fighter plane, he shot down 40 confirmed enemy planes, more than any other American pilot, and became America’s all-time Ace of Aces. His many decorations for outstanding skills and extraordinary courage included the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Richland County Digital History Room

Images of a wide variety of people and places pertaining to Richland County in southwest Wisconsin, from the collections of the Richland County History Room, part of the Brewer Public Library in Richland Center.

Rick Burns Photo Collection

The Rick Burns Train Photograph Collection is a collection of almost 500 photographs of trains and train stations in and around the Madison area in between 1963 and 1967, the years that he attended the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Also included on the Dane County Historical Society Website is an article written by Burns about the collection and his own experiences photographing the trains.

Ripon College Archives

Photographs, postcards and other materials portraying the College’s history from 1851 into the 21st century. Also included in the collection are images of campus life such as bands, athletic teams and social events.

Rock Springs Public Library

The Rock Springs Public Library collection includes documents and photographs related to the Rock Springs Memorial Community Center as well as documents related to the history of the village, images of community sites, events and residents of Rock Springs (formerly Ableman) and the surrounding area.

Rufus and Charles King Collection 1830-1910

Writings and photographs of United States Army officer Charles King, who served in the American West and in the Phillipines. Also includes correspondence from King’s father Rufus King, who served as a General for the Wisconsin Volunteers (also known as the Iron Brigade) during the Civil War.

Rural Schools of Wood County

A series of histories of rural schools composed by the staff and students at each school in 1956, apparently as part of the celebration of the centennial of Wood County. They vary widely in content and depth, with some including photographs, farm histories, rosters and school board extracts. Schools are also geo-located on this map.

Schleisingerville to Slinger 125 Years

Schleisingerville to Slinger 125 Years

Two local histories published by the Slinger Advancement Association and more than 300 photographs documenting the village of Slinger, Washington County, Wisconsin.

Senator William Proxmire Collection

Materials selected from the papers of Senator William Proxmire, who served for for 32 years in the U.S. Senate (1957-1989). Also includes transcripts of 40 oral history interviews conducted with the Senator’s friends, family and colleagues.

Service at Marquette

150 images from 1969 through 2006 illustrating community service activities at Marquette, from the early days of the Marquette University Community Action Program through hurricane relief efforts in New Orleans.

Shall Not Be Recognized Oral History Project Interviews

In 2007, author Will Fellows collaborated with photographer Jeff Pearcy to create “Shall Not Be Recognized,” an exhibit of photographic and verbal portraits of thirty same-sex couples in long-term, committed relationships, all residents of the Milwaukee area.

South Central Library System

This collection includes materials about South Central Library System (SCLS) services, special events, and member libraries.

South Milwaukee Public Library

This collection showcases and preserves the history of South Milwaukee through digitized images, texts, and other media. The collection is a collaboration of resources held by both the library and the South Milwaukee Historical Society.

St. Norbert College in Photos

Photographs depicting the life of the students, faculty and staff who studied, taught, worked and lived at St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin.

State of Wisconsin Collection

State of Wisconsin Collection

The State of Wisconsin Collection presents writings about the state of Wisconsin and unique or valuable materials that relate to its history and ongoing development. The collection includes published material as well as archival materials such as books, manuscripts, sound recordings, photographs, maps and other resources.

Stone Lake Area Historical Society

A variety of local history materials including artifacts and photographs related to the SOO Line Railroad, the cranberry industry and annual Cranberry Festival, military history, household goods, the logging industry, and local resorts.

Sun Prairie Public Library

Sun Prairie history is a collaborative project between the Sun Prairie Public Library and the Sun Prairie Historical Museum. Both organizations have collections of historical archives that chronicle the people, places, and events and tell the story of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, a formerly rural space that has become a suburb of Madison.

Taylor Brothers Photographs

Taylor Brothers Photographs

Glass negatives created by the Taylor Brothers photographic studio of Adams County, Wisconsin, circa 1910-1930. Subjects are varied and include towns, buildings and street scenes in Adams County; construction and dedication of a new county courthouse; teachers, classes, and one-room school houses; road construction; and farmsteads, animals, and agricultural activities.

The Changing Landscapes of Wisconsin: A Digital Archive of Historic Aerial Photographs

Changing Landscapes of Wisconsin creates wide accessibility to a rare collection of historic aerial photographs acquired by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) from 1937-1941. These photographs provide a snapshot of Wisconsin’s landscapes and have become a baseline dataset for understanding environmental, social, and economic changes that have occurred since that time.

The Founding of a Fashion Program

In the fall of 1965 Mount Mary College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, began offering a major in fashion design with a minor in clothing and textiles. The four-year Bachelor of Arts degree, which drew substance from an interdisciplinary combination of art, clothing, and textile courses, was the first of its kind in the nation. Explore the history of the Mount Mary Fashion Program through the images and documents in this exhibit.

The Home Front – Manitowoc County in World War II

The Home Front – Manitowoc County in World War II

This collection documents the history of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin 1939-1947, including both universal homefront experiences and activities as they played out locally, and more unique activities that defined the area during WWII, specifically shipbuilding and manufacturing.

The Pride of Oshkosh

Images of Sawyer and Harris, the iconic bronze lions that have stood outside the Oshkosh Public Library since 1912. Includes photographs of their removal for restoration in 1998.

Theatre Collection – May N. Rankin and the Carroll Players

Wisconsin’s oldest theater organization, the Carroll Players, was inaugurated in June 1896 with a production staged by May N. Rankin, the first female professor at Carroll College. This collection includes photographic portraits of Rankin as well as notes and letters related to the drama program at Carroll University.

Theresa Public Library

This collection documents the history of Theresa, Wisconsin through two books. The first, Life in the 1930’s / ’40’s, &’50’s As I Saw It and Lived It, is told through the eyes of local photographer Jim Widmer. Tagebush is a German-language diary and recollection of everyday life recorded in Theresa by author Friedrich Gorg Emanuel Ziemer.

Tom Taylor Blotters

A collection of ink blotters featuring historic photographs from the Wisconsin Rapids area which were distributed by local insurance agent Tom Taylor to promote his business in the 1930s.

Tom Taylor Book

The Tom Taylor Book, also known as 100 Years of Pictorial & Descriptive History of Wisconsin Rapids, was compiled by T.A. Tayor between 1934-1939. The digital collection pairs the historical photographs gathered by Taylor along with the details he recorded about each image.

Tommy G. Thompson Collection

Images documenting the public career of former Wisconsin Governor Tommy G. Thompson. Most of the photographs were taken during Thompson’s 14-year gubernatorial career (1987-2001); however, some images depict his service in the Wisconsin State Assembly (1966-1986) and as U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (2001-2005).

Trempealeau County at the Nation’s Bicentennial

Images of everyday life in Trempealeau County captured by photographer Wade Britzius in 1976. The digital collection is made possible through the combined efforts of the Arcadia Historical Society, Old Main Historical and Community Arts Center in Galesville, and the Trempealeau County Historical Society, with partial funding from Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc.

University of Wisconsin Collection

University of Wisconsin Collection

Images, manuscripts, books and other materials documenting the history and mission of the University of Wisconsin System. Includes content from all four-year campuses and nearly all of the two-year colleges in the UW System.

University of Wisconsin Colleges Historic Photos Collection

University of Wisconsin Colleges Historic Photos Collection

Photographs, slides, posters and other images from UW Colleges, the two-year campuses in the University of Wisconsin System. Colleges represented are UW-Baraboo/Sauk County, UW-Barron County, UW-Fond du Lac, UW-Fox Valley, UW-Manitowoc, UW-Marinette, UW-Marshfield/Wood County, UW-Richland, UW-Rock County, UW-Sheboygan, UW-Washington County and UW-Waukesha. Selected images are also included from the Medford campus which closed in the 1980s.

Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee Collection

The Upper Mississippi River Conservation Survey Committee was established in Dubuque, IA, in 1943, originally comprised of 22 biologists from Iowa and the surrounding states of Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Missouri. Since then, the UMRCC dropped “Survey” from their name and has grown to more than 200 resource managers working in multiple disciplines including fisheries, mussels, recreation, wildlife, water quality, vegetation, education, and law enforcement. This collection is a result of a partnership between the UMRCC and Murphy Library to provide both digital and physical access to the UMRCC Library, now housed at Murphy Library.

UW-Eau Claire Historic Campus Photographs

Hundreds of images related to the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and its predecessors from 1917 to the present, from the Special Collections and Archives Department, McIntyre Library, UW-Eau Claire.

UW-La Crosse Historic Steamboat Photographs

UW-La Crosse Historic Steamboat Photographs

Thousands of images of steamboats on the inland waterways of the United States, primarily the Mississippi, Ohio and Missouri rivers and their tributaries. The photos depict steamboats in every phase of their life span – from construction to destruction – and every aspect of their daily operations from the 1850s to the present.

UW-La Crosse ROTC Scrapbook & Photograph Collection

Donated to UW-La Crosse Murphy Library Special Collections in 2018, these three large scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings, photographs, pamphlets, and other materials related to the ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) and the Military Science department on the UWL campus. In addition to the scrapbooks, this collection contains other photographs, multiple issues of The Cadence newspaper, and several cadet handbooks. Additional manuscript material is available in UWL Special Collections.

UW-Madison Collection

UW-Madison Collection

Books, manuscripts, photographs and other resources documenting the history of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Sub-collections and themes include yearbooks, student handbooks, class albums and student scrapbooks; the Badger Bites cookbook collection; Campus Voices oral history collections, campus humor publications; Wisconsin Alumni Magazine; Hoofers Club; Athletic Department; Multicultural Student Center and the Mildred Fish Harnack Collection.

UW-Milwaukee Latino Activism

This collection includes photographs, documents, newspaper articles and video documenting efforts during the 1970-71 academic year to improve conditions for the Latino community at UW-Milwaukee. In November 1970, UWM opened its Spanish Speaking Outreach Institute, a forerunner of today’s Roberto Hernandez Center.

UW-Milwaukee Photo Collection

To commemorate UWM’s 50th anniversary, the UWM Libraries prepared a digital collection of photographs documenting the history of the university and its predecessor institutions, the Wisconsin State College of Milwaukee (formerly the Milwaukee State Teachers College) and the University of Wisconsin Extension Center at Milwaukee.

Vesper Historical Photographs

These photographs depicting the businesses, industries and people of Vesper, Wisconsin were collected and annotated by Marlys Steckler.

Visual Materials in Mills Music Library

Visual Materials in Mills Music Library

Photographs of musicians and music-related subjects held by Mills Music Library, dating from the late nineteenth century to the present, representing the musical heritage of Wisconsin from Swiss yodeling to Les Paul. Also includes postcards, lithographic prints, advertising and promotional materials, posters, and other types of ephemera.

Walter Butler Shipbuilders

Photographs from the Walter Butler shipyards of Superior, Wisconsin and Duluth, Minnesota during World War II, covering the years 1940-1945.

Walter Scott Materials, 1839-1979, 1993

These 27 photographs come from the Walter Scott Materials collection. Walter Scott (1911-1983) is a well-known naturalist who was inducted into the Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame in 1995. He also had a penchant for preserving local history and was one of the founders of Historic Madison Inc. These photographs were taken on August 16, 1962. Some photos were taken from an airplane, some in a small rowboat, and others from the shoreline.

Waterford Area Local History

Waterford Area Local History

The history of the Waterford area in western Racine County, Wisconsin is documented here in books, manuscripts, high school yearbooks, photographs, maps and newspapers. This digital collection is a collaboration of many Waterford area agencies including Waterford Public Library, the Village of Waterford, Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce, Waterford Union High School and the personal collections of many of the descendants of pioneer families.

Waukesha County History 1870-1920

Waukesha County History 1870-1920

The materials in this digital collection depict the industries, people and structures important to the development of Waukesha County from 1870-1920. Many of the images come from the collection of Warren S. O’Brien (1898-1988), a prolific Waukesha photographer.

Waunakee Public Library

The Waunakee Public Library local history collection features photographs, newspaper clippings, books, government documents, board minutes, and more from the local Waunakee area and surrounding towns. There is a wide range of materials ranging from the early 1900’s until present day.

Wetherby Cranberry Library

Cranberries have been grown commercially in Wisconsin for over 150 years. This collection includes photographs, clippings, pamphlets and recipes related to the cranberry industry in Wisconsin as well as eight decades of Cranberries, a national trade publication.

Whitefish Bay Local History

The Mimi Bird Historical Collection consists of forty volumes of photographs, clippings and other materials compiled by local resident Mimi Bird. Bird’s primary focus was the history of Whitefish Bay, but she also collected historical information on area communities including Glendale and River Hills as well as the construction of Highway 141.

Wisconsin Arts Projects of the WPA 

This digital collection provides access to primary sources documenting the activities and output of Works Project Administration (WPA) arts projects in Wisconsin from 1935-1943, especially the work of the Milwaukee Handicrafts Project. Materials include design portfolios, oral history interviews with artists and selections from the papers of Elsa Emile Ulbricht, director of the Milwaukee Handicraft Project, and Charlotte Russell Partridge and Miriam Frink, co-founders of the Layton School of Art.

Wisconsin Folksong Collection 1937-1946

Wisconsin Folksong Collection 1937-1946

Materials from two collections from Mills Music Library at UW-Madison: field recordings, notes and photographs made by UW-Madison faculty member Helene Stratman-Thomas as part of the Wisconsin Folk Music Recording Project during the summers of 1940, 1941 and 1946 and recordings collected by song catcher Sidney Robertson Cowell during the summer of 1937 for the Special Skills Division of the Resettlement Administration.

Wisconsin in the Civil War

To mark the 150th anniversary of the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865), the Wisconsin Historical Society created this digital collection containing dozens of diaries, regimental histories and book-length memoirs, thousands of soldiers’ letters, hundreds of newspaper articles and more than 1,000 photographs, maps and other images.

Wisconsin’s Historic Natural Resources Photos

Wisconsin’s Historic Natural Resources Photos

Images from the Wisconsin Conservation Department (1930s to 1960s) and Department of Natural Resources (1960s to present) illustrating fishing, camping, hunting and other recreational activities as well as the work of park wardens, foresters and other conservation professionals.

Women of Edgewood College

This collection highlights several Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters who led and shaped Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin. Materials include video oral history interviews and portrait photographs of each Sister as well as some published biographies.

World War I Military Portraits

This collection of more than 30,000 items includes World War I service records transcribed by the Milwaukee County Chapter of the American War Mothers, portraits of service men and women in military uniform, snapshots of individuals at their homes or serving in the theater of war, and records from the publication A Record of the Heroes of Milwaukee County Who Answered Their Country’s Call in the World War.

World War II Veterans of Mount Horeb

World War II Veterans of Mount Horeb

This collection brings together books, photographs, audio interviews, slides, personal scrapbooks and memorabilia collected from Mt. Horeb-area veterans of WWII.