Marquette University

African American Catholics of the United States

African American Catholics of the United States contains over 200 images of African American clergy, religious, and laity, plus others in ministry to them, in parishes and schools, religious communities, and lay organizations since 1900. Archives staff selected the images from the records of the Black and Indian Mission Collection, the Catholic Negro-American Mission Board, and the National Black Sisters Conference (NBSC). The Black and Indian Mission Collection and the Catholic Negro-American Mission Board are fundraising organizations founded by the U.S. Catholic bishops in 1884 and 1907 respectively, now administered by the Black and Indian Mission Office and allied with the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions. The NBSC is an advocacy and support association of African-American religious sisters founded in 1968.

Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions

The Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions digital collection contains over 1,800 images of Native Americans and related Catholic churches, schools, clergy, and religious leaders from across the United States in the early 20th century. American Indian nations of Wisconsin represented in the collection include the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Forest County Potawatomi, Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, Oneida Nation, and Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

Gesu Parish Grade School

This collection of photos, directories, programs, alumni newsletters, and objects documents the Gesu School,  founded in 1895 after the combining of St. Gall and Holy Name parishes. After sixty-nine years of continuous educational service, Gesu School held its last graduation exercises on June 7, 1968.  

I’ll Tell You A Story – Memories of Pre-Holocaust Europe

In 1983, volunteers from the Generation After (an organization of children of Holocaust survivors) conducted interviews with 65 Jewish immigrants residing in metropolitan Milwaukee. The digital version of the Generation After Oral History Project consists of 25 interview transcripts for subjects with surnames between A-L.

Marquette Hilltop Yearbooks 1915-1996

The Hilltop yearbooks from Marquette University offer a glimpse into the evolution of Wisconsin’s largest private university. The 82 volumes contain more than 28,000 pages and include a wealth of information about the faculty, the physical growth of the Marquette campus, intercollegiate athletics, and student activities.

Marquette Tribune

The Marquette Tribune has been continuously produced by the students of Marquette University since it was first published in 1916, reporting on topics of campus, regional, national and international interest.

Marquette University – In the Spotlight

This collection presents unique materials from the Raynor Memorial Libraries’ Department of Special Collections and University Archives. In the Spotlight highlights materials that are relevant to current events, historical anniversaries, or that are central to Marquette University’s rich heritage.

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