This growing selection of local history materials includes images of former Appleton mayors with descriptions of key events during their terms, the publications Appleton, Wis., Illustrated (1892) and Pioneers of Outagamie County (1895), city and telephone directories for the Appleton area from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and other items pertaining to city and town life, the library, schools and tourism.
Outagamie Waupaca Library System
Clintonville Memory Project
Items pertaining to the history of Clintonville, Wisconsin including portraits of local residents photographed by J. Alva Carter in 1927, Waupaca County plat books and atlases, and photographs and a scrapbook detailing the history of Wisconsin Central Airlines and the Clintonville Municipal Airport from the 1930s through the 1970s.
Door County Memory Project
Four early issues of The Flashes, a student publication produced by Sturgeon Bay High School beginning in 1903, and several pamphlets published in the 1910s and 1920s to promote tourism and recreation in Door County, Wisconsin.
Hortonville Memory Project

Early 20th century postcards depicting scenes in and around the community of Hortonville, Wisconsin.
Kaukauna Memory Project
Local history materials from the community of Kaukauna, Wisconsin including early 20th century postcards, marriage licenses ca. 1905-1959, materials related to the Riverview Sanatorium tuburculosis hospital, a membership roll for the local chapter of the Grand Army of the Republic, high school graduation programs and publications including Kaukauna 175th Jubilee Album (1965) and Industrial Kaukauna (1939).
Kewaunee Memory Project
This collection from the Kewaunee Public Library includes photographs of ships built at the Kewaunee Shipping and Engineering Company (now Kewaunee Fabrications) during the World War II era, from 1941-1946. The photographs are from three albums stored at the Kewaunee Public Library in Kewaunee, Wisconsin.
Marinette County Memory Project
Typewritten manuscripts documenting the histories of the Marinette County communities of Amberg, Coleman and Beaver Creek as well as a manuscript titled A Brief History of Marinette for Children (1960).
Oconto Falls Memory Project
Postcards and photographs depicting scenes from Oconto Falls, Wisconsin and the surrounding area, including images of Stiles Hydro Dam on the Oconto River, aerial views of Oconto Falls, and depictions of early 20th century local events by amateur photographer William Temple.
Scandinavia Memory Project
Twenty-two yearbooks and other publications from Scandinavia Academy, Central Wisconsin College and Union Free High School in the village of Scandinavia, Waupaca County, Wisconsin.
Seymour Memory Project
Publications documenting the history of Seymour, Outagamie County, Wisconsin, from the collections of the Muehl Public Library.
Shawano County Memory Project
Published histories of Clintonville, Shawano, and Shawano County.