Reedsburg Public Library

Company A of the 19th Regiment of Wisconsin Collection

This collection is about residents of Reedsburg and surrounding areas who were involved with Company A of the 19th Regiment of Wisconsin Infantry. The collection includes tintype portraits of soldiers from the U. S. Civil War.

Mildred Hinrichs Photograph Collection

This collection of photographs of Lake Redstone and Reedsburg was taken by Mildred Hinrichs. Lake Redstone Beginnings contains snapshots of the building of Lake Redstone. Reedsburg Volume 1 includes photographs of Reedsburg taken from 1993-1996. Reedsburg Volume 2 includes photographs of Reedsburg taken from 2000 to 2006.

Reedsburg Historic Survey Collection

This collection contains photos and surveys of architecturally and historically significant buildings in the city of Reedsburg which were compiled from 1983-1984.

Reedsburg Old Settlers Letters Collection

The Reedsburg Old Settlers Association solicited letters from its members from the late 1800’s through the middle of the twentieth century.  Many of these were published in local newspapers at the time.  The following original letters are located in the library’s archives and date from 1914 to 1956.  The Old Settlers Association was active from 1876-2022.

Reedsburg Old Settlers Photograph Collection

This collection of photographs, collected by the Reedsburg Old Settlers Association, is primarily made up of portraits, along with some places and events. The Association was active from 1876-2022.