
UW-Milwaukee Latino Activism

This collection includes photographs, documents, newspaper articles and video documenting efforts during the 1970-71 academic year to improve conditions for the Latino community at UW-Milwaukee. In November 1970, UWM opened its Spanish Speaking Outreach Institute, a forerunner of today’s Roberto Hernandez Center.

UW-Milwaukee Photo Collection

To commemorate UWM’s 50th anniversary, the UWM Libraries prepared a digital collection of photographs documenting the history of the university and its predecessor institutions, the Wisconsin State College of Milwaukee (formerly the Milwaukee State Teachers College) and the University of Wisconsin Extension Center at Milwaukee.

UW-Milwaukee Post Newspaper

Since 1956, the UWM Post has served as UW-Milwaukee’s unofficial news outlet and a primary source of news about campus activities, the university administration, and the greater Milwaukee area. Published weekly and operated entirely by student staff, the Post printed its last issue in November 2012 and has published online exclusively since 2013. The digital collection represents an almost complete run of the Post; gaps in the digital collection reflect gaps in the physical collection housed in the UWM Archives.

UW-Milwaukee Yearbook Collection

UWM’s yearbook, The Ivy, was named for the ivy-clad campus buildings, which symbolized a tradition of knowledge and learning. The yearbook was published from 1942 to 1968. No volumes appeared in 1960 and 1961.

Wisconsin Arts Projects of the WPA 

This digital collection provides access to primary sources documenting the activities and output of Works Project Administration (WPA) arts projects in Wisconsin from 1935-1943, especially the work of the Milwaukee Handicrafts Project. Materials include design portfolios, oral history interviews with artists and selections from the papers of Elsa Emile Ulbricht, director of the Milwaukee Handicraft Project, and Charlotte Russell Partridge and Miriam Frink, co-founders of the Layton School of Art.

Wisconsin Pioneer Experience

A digital collection of diaries, letters, reminiscences, speeches and other writings of people who settled and built Wisconsin during the 19th century. These materials were selected from the collections of the Wisconsin Area Research Centers (ARCs) as well as the headquarters of the Wisconsin Historical Society.

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