Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau

Legislative Audit Bureau

The Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau conducts objective audits and evaluations of state agency operations. This collection contains the reports produced by the financial audits and program evaluations.

Legislative Council

The Legislative Council prepares reports on proposed administrative rules, informational publications for Legislators and the public, and committee materials for suggested legislation, including materials on state-tribal relations.

Legislative Fiscal Bureau Publications

The Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau provides fiscal and program information and analyses to the Wisconsin Legislature, its committees, and individual legislators. This collection contains publications produced by the LFB pertaining to the Wisconsin State Budget. Topics include taxation, public welfare, transportation, housing, education, corrections and insurance.

Legislative Materials

This collection contains items created by the Wisconsin Legislature and its committees as well as the text of speeches given before the legislature. Content includes State of the Tribes addresses, comparative studies of public pensions and party platform materials.

Legislative Reference Bureau Publications

All briefs, bulletins and special publications from the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau and its predecessor, the Legislative Reference Library, since the 1950s.

Legislatively Mandated Reports

Reports that the Wisconsin Statutes mandate state agencies provide to the legislature on the progress, status, or results of specific programs and initiatives, including those related to the University of Wisconsin System, environment, elections, rural and underserved health services and substance abuse services.