Agriculture and Environment

Aldo Leopold Archives

Aldo Leopold

The Aldo Leopold Archives documents not only Leopold’s rise to prominence but the history of conservation and the emergence of the field of ecology from the early 1900s until his death in 1948. The collection includes more than 500 unpublished essays and reports as well as detailed diaries and journals of Leopold’s Forest Service activity, his travels, hunting and field experience, and observations and activities at his Sand County farm.

Cornfalfa Farms Collection

Images donated by the Swartz family, who operated a large progressive farm in New Berlin, Wisconsin. Many photographs were taken at Cornfalfa Farms by the Swartz family to document their best practices for raising alfalfa, apples and sheep as the farm rose to prominence in Wisconsin and beyond.

Cranberry Photo Collection

Images depicting the cranberry industry in central Wisconsin, digitized in collaboration with the Wetherby Cranberry Library.

Eagle River Historical Society

The Eagle River Historical Society / Craig Moore Research Library collection consists of several thousand images of the Eagle River area from approx.1880-2000. A considerable number of these images come from photographs taken by residents, tourists, and local photography companies over the course of the past two centuries. The collection features images documenting northern Wisconsin’s industry, lifestyles, demographics, tourism, resorts, supper clubs, recreations, urban centers, ecology, and natural beauty.

Ecology and Natural Resources Collection

Ecology and Natural Resources Collection

Research in ecology and natural resources conducted by University of Wisconsin faculty and staff and unique or valuable resources in these fields held by the University of Wisconsin Libraries. Sub-collections include unpublished works from the UW-Madison Arboretum, Crandon Mine and Kennecott Flambeau Mine reports, the Geology of Wisconsin Survey of 1873-1883, USGS topographic maps, technical bulletins from the Wisconsin DNR, slides and recordings of lectures by plant ecologist Virginia M. Kline and Wisconsin Bordner Survey maps.

Elcho CCC Camp Collection

Civilian Conservation Corps Camp 657 was established in Elcho, Langlade County, Wisconsin in 1933. The digital collection includes photos of barracks and work activities taken by CCC recruits Edward Drab, Alois Fisher and Warren Schabell as well as ephemera collected by recruit Ken Eliot, including newsletters published by the camp, menus, badges and a federally-published handbook for CCC enrollees.

Fred Lesher Bird Field Notes and Journals

Fred Lesher taught in the English Department at UW-La Crosse from 1965 until his retirement in 1996. Lesher had a life-long interest in ornithology, and from 1958 to 2002, he kept detailed journals of his birding. The journals, in 14 volumes with over 3000 pages, are important documents of birding in the Coulee Region of southwest Wisconsin, northeast Iowa and southeast Minnesota.

Geology Lantern Slides

In early 2016, these lantern slides were donated to the Beloit College Archives by the Department of Geology. Little is known about their date of production or the company that created them. Previously used in classroom teaching, they depict a variety of geological features across the globe.

History of Wisconsin Agriculture and Rural Life

The History of Wisconsin Agriculture and Rural Life collection is based on a bibliography compiled as part of the National Preservation Project for Agricultural Literature. Content includes reports from county agricultural and home agents for the UW-Extension and annual publications including the Wisconsin Crop and Livestock Reporter, Milwaukee Milk Producer, Transactions of the Northern Wisconsin Agricultural and Mechanical Association, proceedings from the annual meetings of the Southern Wisconsin Cheesemakers’ and Dairymen’s Association, and catalogs for the “short course” offered by the University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture.

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