More than 80 architectural drawings and sketches for eleven projects by Milwaukee architects Willis and Lillian Leenhouts.
Barns of Winnebago County
260 images of Winnebago County barns captured by photographer Michael Cooney.
Belgian-American Research Collection

The Belgian-American Research Collection was established by the Cofrin Library, UW-Green Bay, to help preserve and make available original materials reflecting the character of the Belgian community in northeastern Wisconsin. An architectural survey was conducted to identify typical Belgian architecture including log, stone and brick houses and oral histories were recorded to document the Walloon language spoken in Brown, Door and Kewaunee Counties.
Beloit – College, City, and Environs

Images of buildings, streets and locations in Beloit as they looked in the past and present, woven into short video presentations.
Cedarburg Public Library

This collection provides access to photos, records, and other archival materials related to the history of Cedarburg and Ozaukee County, 1850-2005, including, but not limited to local architecture, industry, schools, families, churches, and various cultural events.
CETA Arts Program Photographs

The exhibit of “The Spirit of Milwaukee” was a cooperative agreement between the Common Council’s Special Committee on Public Information and the students and faculty of the Milwaukee Center for Photography. The photographs were taken between February and May of 1976 in Milwaukee, documenting Milwaukee life during the 1976 Bicentennial. After the Bicentennial, the City of Milwaukee CETA Arts Program hired student photographers from the Milwaukee Center for Photography to take pictures and document Milwaukee. The Department of City Development would exhibit the photographs and other art created under the program.
Chamberlin Hall of Science Collection
In commemoration of the Chamberlin Hall of Science (1968-2008), the Beloit College Library compiled this digital collection, which combines 90 photographs and slides from the Beloit College Archives with 32 digital images captured by members of the Beloit College community.
Ferdinand L. Kronenberg Plans and Drawings Collections

Ferdinand L. Kronenberg’s (1877-1944) work spanned nearly five decades in Madison and many Kronenberg-designed buildings survive today. Together they give Madison much of its unique historic architectural identity. Some impressive Kronenberg residential structures survive, but many believe Kronenberg’s most exciting buildings were his commercial designs.
Jeypore Portfolio of Architectural Details

The Jeypore Portfolio of Architectural Details digital collections includes two of the twelve volumes from an original 1890-1913 publication. The volumes include volume IX, Dados, with a note on the process of fresco paintings in Jeypore and volume X, Parapets.
Kenosha and Racine Historic Photos

This collection of glass plate negatives captures the daily life of people in the Midwest between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Many of the subjects in this collection are from the Baldwin family who were prominent in the coal industry. The Baldwin Coal Company, founded by George Smith Baldwin (1835-1923), was the first of its industry in Kenosha. His son Harry Merrill Baldwin (1862-1950), the owner of the Baldwin house, was the father to Drew and Lawrence Baldwin, whose photos show up often in this collection. In addition to human subjects, prominently featured in this collection are photos of marine vessels ranging from schooners, to warships, to yachts.