Veterans and Military History

The Home Front – Manitowoc County in World War II

The Home Front – Manitowoc County in World War II

This collection documents the history of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin 1939-1947, including both universal homefront experiences and activities as they played out locally, and more unique activities that defined the area during WWII, specifically shipbuilding and manufacturing.

UW-La Crosse ROTC Scrapbook & Photograph Collection

Donated to UW-La Crosse Murphy Library Special Collections in 2018, these three large scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings, photographs, pamphlets, and other materials related to the ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) and the Military Science department on the UWL campus. In addition to the scrapbooks, this collection contains other photographs, multiple issues of The Cadence newspaper, and several cadet handbooks. Additional manuscript material is available in UWL Special Collections.

Walter Butler Shipbuilders

Photographs from the Walter Butler shipyards of Superior, Wisconsin and Duluth, Minnesota during World War II, covering the years 1940-1945.

Wisconsin in the Civil War

To mark the 150th anniversary of the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865), the Wisconsin Historical Society created this digital collection containing dozens of diaries, regimental histories and book-length memoirs, thousands of soldiers’ letters, hundreds of newspaper articles and more than 1,000 photographs, maps and other images.

World War I Military Portraits

This collection of more than 30,000 items includes World War I service records transcribed by the Milwaukee County Chapter of the American War Mothers, portraits of service men and women in military uniform, snapshots of individuals at their homes or serving in the theater of war, and records from the publication A Record of the Heroes of Milwaukee County Who Answered Their Country’s Call in the World War.

World War II Veterans of Mount Horeb

World War II Veterans of Mount Horeb

This collection brings together books, photographs, audio interviews, slides, personal scrapbooks and memorabilia collected from Mt. Horeb-area veterans of WWII.

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