Classroom Activities and Lesson Plans

Social Studies and History

Activities for grades K-4
Analyzing Photographs
Main Street Then and Now
Packing a Traveler’s Trunk
Thought Bubbles

Activities for grades 4-12
Immigration and Settlement Experiences
Old Maps and New
Thought Bubbles
The Novitiate Takeover

English Language Arts

Activities for grades K-4
Share Your Story
Thought Bubbles
Visual Writing Prompts

Activities for grades 4-12
A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words
Family Stories and Oral Histories
Gathering Multiple Sources
Predict the Headline
Presenting Ideas in New Ways
Pull Quotes
Reading Across Genres
Share Your Story
Visual Writing Prompts

More lesson plans using primary sources from Wisconsin collections:

Used our collections? Have a suggestion? Let us know!
If you’ve used these activities or other Recollection Wisconsin resources in your classroom, we’d love your feedback. Please contact us with any questions, comments or suggestions for improvement.