Guest post by Abbigail Swanton, Division for Libraries and Technology, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Reposted from Wisconsin Libraries for Everyone. The National Archives is celebrating October as American Archives Month to highlight how history is made accessible to you. Wisconsin is celebrating, too! For nearly 120 years, Wisconsin libraries have been providing access to Wisconsin state… Read More…
Politics and Government
Historical Images: Elections in Wisconsin

Elections, in something close to their current form, have been taking place in Wisconsin since 1825. The first known state vote took place in Green Bay in 1825, when only white male citizens over the age of 21 were allowed to vote. After Wisconsin was made a territory in 1836, one of the legislature’s first… Read More…
Wisconsin state government documents online
More than 15,000 state government documents are now available through Recollection Wisconsin and DPLA, thanks to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB). These collections are in active development, with new content added each month. The Wisconsin Digital Archives, maintained by DPI, includes materials from the executive and… Read More…
Senator William Proxmire Collection, Wisconsin Historical Society

When Senator William Proxmire retired in 1989 after 32 years in the U.S. Senate, he and his staff donated more than 200 boxes of office files to the Wisconsin Historical Society. The Society has now made available online an extensive selection of those materials, including official press releases, newsletters sent home to constituents, campaign strategy… Read More…