
All types of photographic images, including photo prints, slides and negatives.

Bunny Berigan, Fox Lake’s Own

Bunny Berigan, Fox Lake’s Own

Bernard “Bunny” Berigan was one of the most prominent jazz trumpeters of all time. Born in Hilbert, Wisconsin in 1908, he moved to Fox Lake with his parents when he was only a few months old. This collection documents Berigan’s childhood and his career in music.

Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions

The Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions digital collection contains over 1,800 images of Native Americans and related Catholic churches, schools, clergy, and religious leaders from across the United States in the early 20th century. American Indian nations of Wisconsin represented in the collection include the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Forest County Potawatomi, Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, Oneida Nation, and Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

Burgess Photograph Collection

Francis Burgess was a photographer for the La Crosse Tribune newspaper from 1935 until his retirement in 1970. This collection includes thousands of black and white photographic negatives from Burgess’ tenure at the Tribune as well as the work of other Tribune photographers including Ed Huebner.

Carroll Photograph Collection

The Carroll Photograph Collection consists of photographs that document events, people, and places at Carroll College and Carroll University. Topic include alumni relations, athletics, choir, clubs, commencement, depertments, events, Greek life, Homecoming and other events, buildings, faculty, college presidents and trustees.

Cedarburg Public Library

This collection provides access to photos, records, and other archival materials related to the history of Cedarburg and Ozaukee County, 1850-2005, including, but not limited to local architecture, industry, schools, families, churches, and various cultural events.

CETA Arts Program Photographs

The exhibit of “The Spirit of Milwaukee” was a cooperative agreement between the Common Council’s Special Committee on Public Information and the students and faculty of the Milwaukee Center for Photography. The photographs were taken between February and May of 1976 in Milwaukee, documenting Milwaukee life during the 1976 Bicentennial. After the Bicentennial, the City of Milwaukee CETA Arts Program hired student photographers from the Milwaukee Center for Photography to take pictures and document Milwaukee. The Department of City Development would exhibit the photographs and other art created under the program.

Chamberlin Hall of Science Collection

In commemoration of the Chamberlin Hall of Science (1968-2008), the Beloit College Library compiled this digital collection, which combines 90 photographs and slides from the Beloit College Archives with 32 digital images captured by members of the Beloit College community.

Charles Nicholas Johnson Collection

Photographer and U.S. Army non-commissioned officer Charles Nicholas Johnson (1923-2005) was stationed in Tokyo from fall 1954 to September 1957. During this time he photographed color images that captured everyday life in Japan, urban scenes, landscapes, and representations of Japanese culture. The family of Charles Nicholas Johnson donated this collection of 260 slides to the UW-Parkside Archives in 2013.

Charles Sheldon Collection

Photographs depicting the community of Shorewood from the 1890s to the 1930s, taken or collected by amateur photographer Charles Sheldon.

Chilton Public Library

Chilton Public Library is the lively local library for the city of Chilton (population about 4,000) and the surrounding areas of Calumet County, Wisconsin. This local history digital collection features images and texts from the area’s past.

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