Get Help from an Expert

Confused about your scanner settings? Don’t know what to do with the box of VHS tapes that arrived at your door? Feeling generally overwhelmed and not sure where to start? Already signed up for Recollection Wisconsin Office Hours but need more help?

Our team of consultants is here to help! These experts can answer your questions, help you develop a project plan or provide guidance and training on digitization projects. Consulting can take place over email, by phone or on site.

This service is free to all current and potential Recollection Wisconsin Content Partners across the state. To get started, please complete the form below and we’ll connect you with a consultant.

Our Consulting Team

Amy Cooper CaryAmy Cooper Cary
Head of Special Collections and University Archives, Marquette University
Ann HanlonAnn Hanlon
Head of Digital Collections and Initiatives, UW-Milwaukee
Liz KauneElisabeth Kaune
Coordinator of Digital Access & Metadata Services, Marquette University

Get Help from an Expert

Complete the form below and we’ll connect you with a consultant.