Recollection Wisconsin is excited to announce that we are an anchor site for the Community Archiving Workshop Regional Training of Trainers (TOT) program. The Community Archiving Workshop (CAW) is a project of the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) designed to address the challenge of obsolescence in audiovisual collections. First launched in 2010, the CAW model is designed to help community organizations jump-start the preservation of an audiovisual collection—film, video, or audio.
As part of a grant awarded to AMIA by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Community Archiving Workshops are being offered in three different regions around the country — the Midwest (Recollection Wisconsin), Southeast (Nashville Public Library) and West Coast (California Revealed, an initiative of the California State Library).

Here in Wisconsin, we’ll be working with three regional partners — the Milwaukee Public Museum, the History Museum at the Castle in Appleton, and the Special Collections and Archives at UW-Eau Claire. In July, archivists and curators from these three institutions will meet in Madison for a “training of trainers” workshop, hosted by the UW-Madison Archives and led by audiovisual archivists Amy Sloper (formerly of the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research, now with the Harvard Film Archive) and Jeff Martin (a Chicago-based moving image archivist and time-based art conservator). In Fall 2019, each regional partner will host a Community Archiving Workshop at their own institution.
Recollection Wisconsin is thrilled to have this opportunity to build our expertise in managing audiovisual collections and to help our Content Partners preserve their at-risk audio and moving image recordings through digitization and online access!
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