This digital collection contains the complete manuscripts of Wisconsin scientist Increase A. Lapham (1811-1875) owned by the Wisconsin Historical Society, including letters, diaries, scientific notes, drawings and other papers.
Agriculture and Environment
Kenosha and Racine Historic Photos

This collection of glass plate negatives captures the daily life of people in the Midwest between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Many of the subjects in this collection are from the Baldwin family who were prominent in the coal industry. The Baldwin Coal Company, founded by George Smith Baldwin (1835-1923), was the first of its industry in Kenosha. His son Harry Merrill Baldwin (1862-1950), the owner of the Baldwin house, was the father to Drew and Lawrence Baldwin, whose photos show up often in this collection. In addition to human subjects, prominently featured in this collection are photos of marine vessels ranging from schooners, to warships, to yachts.
Langlade County Logging Photographs
The logging photographs in the collection of the Langlade County Historical Society document work crews, logging camps, sawmills and other aspects of Wisconsin’s logging industry from the 19th century to the 1990s. Some photographs were taken by Arthur J. Kingsbury for his picture postcard business, but many are by anonymous photographers.
Madison Park and Pleasure Drive Association Reports

This digital collection of historic reports provides accessibility to early information about the City of Madison around the turn of the 20th century. The Madison Park and Pleasure Drive Association Reports denote the moneys received and expended and work done by the Madison Park and Pleasure Drive Association in order to attract attention to the city’s natural beauty and surrounding lakes. The impetus behind the association was that by making Madison’s natural surroundings more accessible, visitors would get a better idea of the magnificence of the location, and advantages of Madison as a summer resort or place of permanent residence.
Owen J. Gromme Field Notes 1914-1989
Twenty-two volumes of the writings, studies and sketches of Owen Gromme, an artist, author, biologist, botanist and zoologist.
Story of a Raftsman’s Life on the Wisconsin River
38 engravings based on a series of photographs taken by H.H. Bennett in 1886 of a group of raftsmen from the Grand Rapids (Wisconsin Rapids) area during their journey down the Wisconsin River.
U.S. Forest Products Lab Centennial Oral History Project

Audio recordings and transcripts of oral history interviews with 52 employees of the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin.
Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee Collection

The Upper Mississippi River Conservation Survey Committee was established in Dubuque, IA, in 1943, originally comprised of 22 biologists from Iowa and the surrounding states of Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Missouri. Since then, the UMRCC dropped “Survey” from their name and has grown to more than 200 resource managers working in multiple disciplines including fisheries, mussels, recreation, wildlife, water quality, vegetation, education, and law enforcement. This collection is a result of a partnership between the UMRCC and Murphy Library to provide both digital and physical access to the UMRCC Library, now housed at Murphy Library.
Walter Scott Materials, 1839-1979, 1993

These 27 photographs come from the Walter Scott Materials collection. Walter Scott (1911-1983) is a well-known naturalist who was inducted into the Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame in 1995. He also had a penchant for preserving local history and was one of the founders of Historic Madison Inc. These photographs were taken on August 16, 1962. Some photos were taken from an airplane, some in a small rowboat, and others from the shoreline.
Western Wisconsin CCC Camp Newsletters, 1933-1941
Newsletters of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camps in Buffalo, Eau Claire, Price, Rusk, Sawyer and Taylor Counties, from the Special Collections and Archives Department, McIntyre Library, UW-Eau Claire.