Updated metadata guidelines

Recollection Wisconsin has finalized an updated, simplified set of metadata guidelines for our Content Partners. The new Recollection Wisconsin Metadata Essentials replaces the Wisconsin Heritage Online Metadata Guidelines (last updated 2009) and Wisconsin Heritage Online Quick Guide to Metadata (2010).

The biggest change in the new guidelines is that now only four metadata fields are required for harvesting — Title, Rights, Subject and Type — down from eight required fields.

These changes do not mean we’re expecting our contributors to immediately overhaul their existing metadata! Metadata created using our earlier guidelines is still eligible to be harvested by Recollection Wisconsin and DPLA. However, working towards adopting the new recommendations will ultimately lead to higher quality metadata in the context of DPLA.

Many thanks to the members of the Metadata Work Group and other experts for their work in creating and editing this guide!


Kendra Bouda, Internet Scout
Andrea Coffin, WiLS
Jonathan Cooper, Wisconsin Historical Society
Nathan Humpal, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Emily Pfotenhauer, WiLS
Cat Phan, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lynn Whittenberger, North Carolina State University/Marquette University

Peter Gorman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Josh Hickman, Beloit College
Cathy Markwiese, Milwaukee Public Library
Jessica Williams, Mount Horeb Public Library
