Wisconsin Local History Projects and COVID-19

We are heartened to see so many libraries, archives and local history organizations collecting materials and stories that document this unique and historic moment, the impact of COVID-19 on lives and communities across Wisconsin. Each project has its own focus; some emphasize a specific geographic location or population while others concentrate on a format such as images, stories or oral histories and artifacts.  Likewise, these projects use a variety of methods for rapid and remote collecting including web or Google forms to collect stories, virtual interviews using Zoom or other phone-based technology, or systems that allow users to submit materials directly to an institution or online collection such as Omeka.

Wisconsin-focused COVID-19 projects:
(updated 6/18/2020)

Are you contemplating or working on a project to document the impact of COVID-19 on your Wisconsin community? Let us know at info@recollectionwisconsin.org. We’d love to follow and share your work.

The Society of American Archivists’ Documenting in Times of Crisis: A Resource Kit provides templates and documents to assist you in collecting materials amid unprecedented and unanticipated situations.

Stay safe and take care of each other!