Content Partner Resources

Upcoming Harvest Dates

Recollection Wisconsin collections are harvested quarterly, in March, June, September, and December. That harvest is ingested the next month by DPLA – in April, July, October, and January – and typically available in Recollection Wisconsin and DPLA by the end of that month or early the next month.

  • 9AugAvailable in RW & DPLANew records available in Recollection Wisconsin and DPLA (est.)
  • 3SepNext NotificationNotify Recollection Wisconsin of new collections/OAI sets
  • 9SepNext RW HarvestNew records will be harvested if added by this date

Guidelines and Recommendations for Digital Projects

Policies, Forms, and Reports

Metadata and Harvesting

DPLA Partnership

Email Lists and Other Resources

  • Recollection Wisconsin Office Hours: Get help from Recollection Wisconsin on new projects, feedback on metadata, or any other live assistance you might need on the second Thursdays of each month from 10:00 – 11:00 am Central.
  • Recollection Wisconsin email newsletter
  • Past Content Partner Update emails
  • digistew: an email list for Wisconsin libraries, archives, museums and other cultural heritage institutions to connect and collaborate around the topics of digital stewardship, preservation and curation. Click “Ask to join group” at the top of the page to participate.
  • Digitization Vendors: A list of vendors providing digitization services in the midwest and beyond. This list is provided for informational purposes only and does not represent an endorsement of any of the service providers on the part of Recollection Wisconsin or its partners.

Promotion and Outreach Materials